Cyber Risk Assessments and Audit FAQs
Cyber security strategy is the plan of action an enterprise puts in place when they define their cyber risks and plan to mitigate them. Defining your cyber strategy is the stepping stone to a comprehensive cyber security program which deals with procedures, protocols and responsibilities.
Your business objectives and cyber risks are the main factors which drive cyber strategy, but there are various other factors which will contribute to the strategy. One such influence is the degree of digital solutions implemented by company, and perhaps any anticipated reliance on digital solutions will impact the extent of your cyber security strategy. For example, if you intend to move your business to the cloud, then it’s necessary to consider how the cyber risks might change in the future. Some questions to consider are: what are your threats? where is the company heading with digital solutions? what are the digital opportunities? what is the cyber maturity of peers in the industry? Furthermore, how will options such as cyber insurance affect the extent of your cyber security solutions?