Penetration Testing Company Australia

Learn why more companies choose Gridware as their penetration testing company of choice. Proactive testing is the primary strategy to help prevent incidents before they happen.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, or pen testing, is a crucial aspect of cyber security. It involves ethical hacking where an authorised individual attempts to find and exploit security vulnerabilities within an organisation’s IT infrastructure, applications, or processes. This is done to test accessibility to crucial assets and ensure robust defences against potential cyber threats. Our expert penetration testers simulate real-world cyber attacks to assess system resilience, providing actionable insights to enhance security.

The primary goal is to evaluate the robustness of your cyber security strategy and provide management with a comprehensive assessment of the organisation’s cyber health and associated risks. Ultimately, a penetration test enhances cyber security and helps shape strategic frameworks.

Types of Penetration Test

We conduct a range of penetration testing services to find gaps in the security of our clients’ IT infrastructure, applications and processes, with the aim of helping you build better and more robust defences.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Proactively identify application vulnerabilities and safeguard your web assets.

Network Security Penetration Testing

Uncover and mitigate potential security weaknesses in your infrastructure.

Internal Network Penetration Testing

Boost the security of your internal networks with our comprehensive.

External Network Penetration Testing

Evaluate your network’s defenses with our meticulous security testing

PCI DSS Penetration Testing

Validate PCI DSS compliance, ensuring secular cardholder data processing

Mobile App Penetration Testing

Validate mobile application security, protecting data and business reputation

Wifi Penetration Testing

Secure your wireless systems, safeguarding against intrusions

IoT Penetration Testing

Strengthen IoT device security, mitigating potential breaches in your interconnected devices

Who are the best penetration testers in Australia?

Gridware. Because this is where the best penetration testers in Australia choose to work.

As the highest-ranking cybersecurity company in Australia, Gridware takes pride in being certified as a Great Place to Work® and receiving the distinguished Best Workplaces™ award. This makes us not only a leader in cybersecurity but also the Best Cybersecurity Workplace in Australia, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to creating an exceptional work environment.

Penetration Testing Methodologies

Our penetration testing methodology helps rapidly and efficiently determine the extent to which your network and assets can defend against cyber threats by testing them against common exploits and vulnerabilities. We perform our testing from the perspective of an attacker, utilising in-house tools, vulnerability scanning and manual scripts to emulate attack incidents.


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Speak to an Expert Today

Speak to  a professional today and get a quote for our penetration testing service.


Key Benefits of Pen Testing

Gridware offers penetration testing services that empower organisations to take preventive action against potential downtime, financial loss, and reputational damage. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities proactively, businesses can stay ahead of the latest cyber security threats.

Real-World Attack Simulation

With our penetration testing services in Melbourne, Sydney, and across Australia, businesses can see what hackers could potentially exploit. This proactive approach strengthens cyber security resilience by testing the effectiveness of existing security measures, reviewing application development strengths, and fortifying defences against evolving threats.

Active Threat Detection

A comprehensive penetration testing regimen allows continuous identification and management of security vulnerabilities. This provides real-time visibility into your cyber security landscape, enabling swift action against any active threats.

Risk Prioritisation

Our tailored approach helps you strategically prioritise resources. Gridware’s penetration testing services ensure effective risk mitigation by focusing on the most critical security vulnerabilities, enhancing your overall cyber security posture.

Regulatory Compliance

Penetration testing assists in meeting regulatory requirements, demonstrating a robust and proactive approach to cyber security. This compliance not only satisfies regulators but also reassures stakeholders of your commitment to maintaining high security standards.

Financial Loss Prevention

By identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, penetration testing can save significant costs related to data breaches and system downtime. This proactive measure is essential in protecting your financial resources.

Trust and Reputation Building

Regular penetration testing showcases your commitment to cyber security. It instils confidence in customers, partners, and stakeholders, protecting your brand’s reputation and building trust in your business operations.


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The Seven Phases of Penetration Testing

How Much Access Is Given to Penetration Testers?

Gridware’s comprehensive approach to penetration testing projects involves close collaboration with clients, on-site and remotely, across Australia. Our penetration testing teams in Sydney and Melbourne ensure that the level of access granted to penetration testers aligns with best practice frameworks such as PTES, OWASP, and OSSTMM.

The level of access varies based on the type and depth of the test being conducted:

Black Box Testing: Testers have no prior knowledge of your systems, mimicking a real-world attack from an external threat actor with no insider information.

White Box Testing: Here testers have comprehensive access to your systems, allowing them to evaluate security from an insider’s perspective.

Your penetration testing company and approach should be tailored to your organisation’s unique needs and threat landscape. Gridware ensures that penetration testing services are customised to address the security risks faced by your business.

For more information on improving your security and how our penetration testing services can protect against security vulnerabilities, get in touch with the Gridware security team today. Ensure your business is safeguarded with the best penetration testing Australia has to offer.

Common Penetration Testing Techniques

At Gridware, our team of skilled penetration testers use a wide range of techniques straight from the top industry standards. These are the same tactics that hackers use to identify weak points in your systems. We simulate these attacks to see how your systems hold up and identify areas for improvement. This hands-on approach gives us a real-world view of your digital defences, helping us strengthen your systems against the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats. Understanding these techniques can give you a unique perspective into the extensive work we do to keep your business safe.

Active Penetration Testing Techniques

Network Scanning or Network Mapping

Network scanning or network mapping is a technique where the corporate network is probed to identify connected devices, open ports, and potentially unsecured access points.

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks

In these scenarios, attackers intercept communication between two parties to eavesdrop, steal data, or impersonate one of the parties.

Injection Attacks

Attackers input malicious data into a system, tricking it into executing unintended commands or accessing unauthorized data. This includes SQL, OS, or LDAP injection, where the attacker feeds malicious data to a system that interprets it as part of a command or query.

Privilege Escalation Attacks

Privilege escalation attacks occur when attackers exploit a system or application vulnerability to gain elevated access to resources.sds

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

A type of injection attack, XSS involves injecting malicious scripts into trusted websites, which can lead to sensitive information being exposed.

Indirect Penetration Testing Techniques

Phishing Attacks

In phishing attacks, individuals are tricked by attackers into providing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details.

Malware Attacks

Malware attacks involve the use of various forms of malware, including viruses, ransomware, or spyware, by attackers to compromise a system.

Denial of Service Attacks

Denial of Service attacks aim to render a system, service, or network resource unavailable by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic.

Brute-Force Attacks

In brute-force attacks, an attacker attempts to gain access to a system by guessing the password, often using automated software to generate a high volume of consecutive guesses.

Pen Testing Tools

Penetration testing tools are essential for evaluating the security of systems, networks, and applications. They empower skilled professionals to uncover vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors. By leveraging a variety of tools, penetration testers gain valuable insights into an organisation’s resilience. These tools assist with undertaking the pen testing techniques we mentioned earlier. By effectively utilising penetration testing tools, organisations can strengthen their security defences and safeguard against potential threats.


  • Effective penetration testing is crucial for protecting digital assets against evolving cyber threats.
  • Gridware follows industry standards and best practices such as OWASP, PTES, OSSTMM, and CREST.
  • Our skilled team utilises a comprehensive range of techniques including network scanning, injection attacks, cross-site scripting, privilege escalation, and more.
  • We identify vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations to fortify your defenses.
  • By emulating real-world hacker tactics, we ensure that your systems are robust and resilient.
  • Gridware’s unique approach combines proprietary methods with industry best practice standards.
  • Our teams are based in Sydney and Melbourne, serving clients across Australia and Internationally.
  • We have a proven track record of delivering results that protect organizations from financial loss, reputational damage, and lost time.

Gridware is proud to be CREST (Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers) certified. Click to learn more.


  • Effective penetration testing is crucial for protecting digital assets against evolving cyber threats.
  • Gridware follows industry standards and best practices such as OWASP, PTES, OSSTMM, and CREST.
  • Our skilled team utilises a comprehensive range of techniques including network scanning, injection attacks, cross-site scripting, privilege escalation, and more.
  • We identify vulnerabilities and provide actionable recommendations to fortify your defenses.
  • By emulating real-world hacker tactics, we ensure that your systems are robust and resilient.
  • Gridware’s unique approach combines proprietary methods with industry best practice standards.
  • Our teams are based in Sydney and Melbourne, serving clients across Australia and Internationally.
  • We have a proven track record of delivering results that protect organizations from financial loss, reputational damage, and lost time.

Gridware is proud to be CREST (Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers) certified. Click to learn more.


Penetration Testing FAQs

Penetration testing is way of demonstrating reasonable efforts made to test the integrity of your business infrastructure and applications. It shows your company has put effort into protecting confidential and sensitive business data to regulators such as ASIC or AUSTRAC. With new legislation passing in Australia, businesses are required to demonstrate they’ve regularly checked their systems are compliant with the industry standards and that checks have been made to ensure there are no vulnerabilities which can be easily utilised by attackers.

A penetration test (or pen test) is a series of intentional attempts to gain unauthorised access through the use of specialised tools available to attackers and professionals. It is like a stress test for your business systems and applications. It assess the integrity of your business ensuring confidential data is secure, access permissions are appropriate, and that applications are compliant with the latest patches and free from vulnerability of exploits.

Penetration tests should be conducted by an external service provider to ensure there is no bias in the testing, that it is run independently from the business by technical experts who are familiar with the latest developments in exploits and both international and industry standards.

Gridware regularly conducts external penetrations tests, from the perspective of an attacker, internal penetration testing, from the perspective of a rogue employee after restricted information and network and firewall tests to ensure the integrity of your infrastructure. We also recommend running regular penetration testing on Wireless (wifi) networks as well as testing remote social engineering in electronic attacks such as phishing or directed human effort at compromising your systems.

All our penetration testers are qualified to conduct penetration tests and are certified ethical hackers CRESTCISSP, ISO 27001 Auditors, GSECGWAPT and CEH.

Regular scans will only check and ‘compare’ to data that is often outdated or no longer applicable with the latest developments in the security industry. You need to ‘do as they do’ and perform tests from the perspective of an attacker with the tools attackers utilise to bypass your defences.

All business applications, even when used in the cloud, are subject to vulnerabilities and exploits. It’s only a matter a time before commonly used applications are compromised and then subsequently patched. We need to check that the patch management process is keeping up with the latest developments, and that they are being patched against exploits. The cloud will only act as a host and cannot guarantee the integrity of any application it hosts.

In our experience, Penetration testing can take anywhere between 5-15 business days to complete. When less testing is required, or if testing is focused on a single application, systems or process, testing can be completed in 2-3 business days.

Penetration testing is more than just automated testing. Unlike automated scanning software that relies on predefined scripts and algorithms, penetration testing involves the expertise and creativity of skilled professionals to uncover vulnerabilities that automated tools may miss. Gridware’s team of highly trained penetration testers stays ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape, utilizing the latest threat intelligence to conduct comprehensive assessments. We believe that talent is irreplaceable when it comes to identifying and addressing potential weaknesses in your systems. With our human-centric approach, Gridware goes beyond the limitations of automated tools to provide you with a thorough and realistic evaluation of your security posture.


  • Real-world assessment: Penetration testing utilises the skills of some of the world’s most highly skilled security professionals.
  • Pen testing provides a realistic evaluation of an organisation’s security posture, simulating the techniques and tactics employed by malicious actors at the present time.
  • Comprehensive vulnerability identification: Penetration testing helps uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses that automated tools will miss, providing a more thorough assessment of the security landscape.
  • Actionable recommendations: Penetration testers offer specific and actionable recommendations to address identified vulnerabilities, empowering organisations to strengthen their security defenses.


  • Time and resource-intensive: Penetration testing can be time-consuming and requires skilled professionals, making it a potentially costly investment for organisations.
  • Limited scope: Penetration testing typically focuses on a specific target or application (at a point in time), which means it may not provide a holistic view of an organisation’s entire security infrastructure.
  • Point in time: A pen test will only show you the security vulnerabilities that can be identified or exploited at the time of testing. Every day, hundreds of new vulnerabilities and CVEs are identified, meaning new ways hackers can exploit your systems.
  • Disruption and false positives: In rare cases, Penetration testing can cause temporary disruptions or false positives, potentially impacting normal business operations. However, times of testing is typically covered during the Rules of Engagement phase.